During my study of The Book of Mormon this past week, I came across the scripture 2 Nephi 31:10, which says, “…Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren,
can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the
Father?” I’ve read this scripture many times, but I had never taken the time to
think about it. This time as I pondered it’s meaning, I was reminded of a
simple principle. I was reminded that if we do follow Christ we are also
following our Heavenly Father. The Son can do nothing save what he sees the
Father do. If we look to Christ as our exemplar, and heed His counsel to follow
Him, we can find the same peace and joy that He did and does today. In addition
to this, we must be willing to follow any commandments our Heavenly Father
gives us. If we do not then we are not truly following the Savior and becoming
as He is. I am grateful that we do have a Redeemer whose example is perfect and
can help guide us to change our hearts and minds to align with the will of the
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