Monday, December 3, 2018

In class this past week, we talked about the atonement, beginning in Gethsemane and ending on the cross. In discussing these sacred hours, my heart and soul was struck by several things. Our professor specifically mentioned the significance of John 19:30 which says, "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." Our professor pointed out that no mortal being could've taken Christ's life. It was completely and entirely Christ's decision when He would "give up the Ghost". This is very significant because, despite His excruciating suffering, He chose to live for each and every one of us. He chose to live until His work was finished, so that all of us would have the opportunity to become as He is and be saved. I cannot even begin to understand how much love He has for us. That ultimate gift, the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, was paid heavily for by Him. He experienced such depth pain that is unfathomable for all of us. Before this lesson I had not thought about the profundity of this, but as we discussed it, I became ever more grateful for my Savior. I cannot express such gratitude. This sacrifice means the world to me. It has already influenced how I live. I strive every day to more fully come unto Him and exemplify Him. I would invite anyone who will to come to understand the Savior, study His life, and come to know Him even better than you do now. I know that such a depth of understanding will fill you with a love and gratitude that you have never before felt for Him who has given it all for you.

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